fore chamber - перевод на русский
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fore chamber - перевод на русский

Foré; Fore Tribe; Fore (Papua New Guinea); Fore (people); South Fore; Fore tribe
  • The flag of the Eastern Highlands. A nokoti is displayed in the center of the gold star. The nokoti may also be referred to as Nokondi.
  • A map of Papua New Guinea and the Okapa District. The area highlighted in red consists primarily of the land inhabited by the Fore people.
Найдено результатов: 528
fore chamber      
1) аванкамера
2) форкамера (д)
Fore (disambiguation)


общая лексика

передняя нога

передняя лапа



эй, впереди! (предупреждающий окрик тому, кто мешает удару по мячу)



общая лексика


морской термин




морской термин

в носовой части



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впереди! (предупреждающий окрик; в гольфе)



общая лексика

передняя часть


морской термин


носовая часть

Fore (disambiguation)
fore 1. noun naut. нос, носовая часть судна to the fore - а) поблизости; б) налицо (о деньгах и т. п.); в) впереди, на переднем плане; заметный to come to the fore - выступать, выдвигаться вперед; he has come to the fore recently с некоторых пор о нем заговорили 2. adj. передний; naut. носовой 3. adv. naut. впереди - fore and aft
compression chamber         
  • Monoplace chamber for clinical hyperbaric oxygen treatment
  • Internal view of a multiplace chamber for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, showing the airtight door leading to the entry lock.
  • Diving barocomplex Savior of the Pacific Fleet of Russia
  • Medical lock on decompression chamber. Used to transfer medical supplies and food into and out of the chamber while it is under pressure.  The door is locked by a 45 degree rotation. A safety interlock that prevents any rotation of the door while the lock is pressurised can be seen in the disengaged position, showing that it is safe to open the outer door. The gauge also shows that the pressure has been released.
  • Pressure release valve and pressure gauge inside a flexible low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber
  • Hyperbaric escape module
  • A small hyperbaric escape module
  • Inside of a flexible low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber
  • Oxygen Monitor for Hyperbaric Chamber, 1969
  • Schematic plan of a simple saturation system showing the main pressure vessels for human occupation<br />DDC - Living chamber<br />DTC - Transfer chamber<br />PTC - Personnel transfer chamber (bell)<br />RC - Recompression chamber<br />SL - Supply lock
Heavy duty (10 bar) hyperbaric stretcher with hatch removed, showing locking rings for hatch and for connecting to full size chambers
  • Personnel transfer capsule.
Recompression chamber; Decompression chamber; Hyperbaric Chamber; Hyperbaric chamber; Hyperbaric oxygen chamber; Submersible chamber; Hyberbaric chamber; Compression chamber; Lockout chamber; Lock out chamber; Lock-out chamber; Chamber dive; Chamber operator; Deck decompression chamber
compression chamber mot. камера сжатия/сгорания
climatic chamber         
  • Large NASA [[vacuum chamber]]
  • Example of a Walk-In Environmental Chamber used for automobile reliability testing in various simulated environment
  • Chamber for salt spray
Environment chamber; Climate chamber; Environmental test chambers; Climatic chamber; Test chamber

общая лексика

камера искусственного климата


environmental chamber         
  • Large NASA [[vacuum chamber]]
  • Example of a Walk-In Environmental Chamber used for automobile reliability testing in various simulated environment
  • Chamber for salt spray
Environment chamber; Climate chamber; Environmental test chambers; Climatic chamber; Test chamber
камера искусственного климата, климатрон
environmental chamber         
  • Large NASA [[vacuum chamber]]
  • Example of a Walk-In Environmental Chamber used for automobile reliability testing in various simulated environment
  • Chamber for salt spray
Environment chamber; Climate chamber; Environmental test chambers; Climatic chamber; Test chamber

строительное дело

климатическая камера, камера искусственного климата

climatic chamber         
  • Large NASA [[vacuum chamber]]
  • Example of a Walk-In Environmental Chamber used for automobile reliability testing in various simulated environment
  • Chamber for salt spray
Environment chamber; Climate chamber; Environmental test chambers; Climatic chamber; Test chamber
камера искусственного климата
decompression chamber         
  • Monoplace chamber for clinical hyperbaric oxygen treatment
  • Internal view of a multiplace chamber for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, showing the airtight door leading to the entry lock.
  • Diving barocomplex Savior of the Pacific Fleet of Russia
  • Medical lock on decompression chamber. Used to transfer medical supplies and food into and out of the chamber while it is under pressure.  The door is locked by a 45 degree rotation. A safety interlock that prevents any rotation of the door while the lock is pressurised can be seen in the disengaged position, showing that it is safe to open the outer door. The gauge also shows that the pressure has been released.
  • Pressure release valve and pressure gauge inside a flexible low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber
  • Hyperbaric escape module
  • A small hyperbaric escape module
  • Inside of a flexible low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber
  • Oxygen Monitor for Hyperbaric Chamber, 1969
  • Schematic plan of a simple saturation system showing the main pressure vessels for human occupation<br />DDC - Living chamber<br />DTC - Transfer chamber<br />PTC - Personnel transfer chamber (bell)<br />RC - Recompression chamber<br />SL - Supply lock
Heavy duty (10 bar) hyperbaric stretcher with hatch removed, showing locking rings for hatch and for connecting to full size chambers
  • Personnel transfer capsule.
Recompression chamber; Decompression chamber; Hyperbaric Chamber; Hyperbaric chamber; Hyperbaric oxygen chamber; Submersible chamber; Hyberbaric chamber; Compression chamber; Lockout chamber; Lock out chamber; Lock-out chamber; Chamber dive; Chamber operator; Deck decompression chamber


общая лексика

кессонная камера

декомпрессионная камера

строительное дело

шлюзовой аппарат (в кессоне)


муж., ·*англ. скоропал; многоствольный пистолет, с одним замком, к которому почередно, для стрельбы, подвертываются стволы, один за другим.


Fore people

The Fore () people live in the Okapa District of the Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. There are approximately 20,000 Fore who are separated by the Wanevinti Mountains into the North Fore and South Fore regions. Their main form of subsistence is slash-and-burn farming. The Fore language has three distinct dialects and is the southernmost member of the East Central Family, East New Guinea Highlands Stock, Trans–New Guinea phylum of Papuan languages.

In the 1950s the neurological disease kuru was discovered in the South Fore. The local tradition of ritual cannibalism of their dead had led to an epidemic, with approximately 1000 deaths from 1957 to 1960.

Как переводится fore chamber на Русский язык